4 steps for how to do your pelvic floor exercises correctly
Do you pee a little when you cough, sneeze or are active? Then pelvic floor exercises might help. Step 1...
How creating a community group reduced my shame
My bladder leak problem started small at first. Just a little bladder leak here or there when coughing or sneezing. Then after a while, I noticed a little incontinence when running, or jumping. It snuck up on me when I wasn’t paying attention. My life was busy, so I started wearing disposable panty liners and went about my day, without giving it much thought.
My huge career change in my mid 40’s – why does it have to be a mid-life crisis?
My journey started with me telling my husband that I want to take a year off from full-time paid work to focus on my passion project. That meant – he would have to go back to work. 😊
My father called this huge change – my mid-life crisis. I call it – the best decision I ever made!
I think when you hit your 40’s, you start to reflect on what’s important in life and how you want to live going forward.
The light-bulb moment that caused my passion project
I had not been open with my girlfriends about my personal problem. I guess its because no one really wants to talk about bodily fluids – because that’s nasty. Am I right?